Shaping the future through economic policy

We bring three decades of experience in economics, public finance, and market analysis to the table – offering a unique economic policy perspective.

Lakeville´s approach

Clients rely on us for our independent and unbiased expertise garnered from more than 30 years of experience analysing markets.

We provide the information our clients need to make better decisions when markets, technology and regulations change. We know how markets interplay with political processes and what is needed to create reliable, up to date and efficient economic policy.  

Drawing from our wealth of experience from a diverse range of markets and regulatory frameworks, we help our clients shape the future of markets.

Lakeville is...

…founded and led by David Sundén, a Ph.D. in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics. 

David specializes in market analysis and market projections, with focus on empirical impact assessments of market regulations and technological shifts. 

He has worked as a special adviser to the German and Swedish finance ministries, provided socioeconomic analyses and economic impact assessment to organizations such as the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Competition Authority, and the Expert Group on Public Economics. He has advised numerous multinational companies and interest organisations. 

His experience covers diverse topics such as fiscal policy, pension schemes, public finance, taxation, social security, demographics, efficient market regulation, sustainability, and optimal regulation, this within industries including energy, gambling, alcohol, tobacco, mining, steel, and the education sector.

Public reports

At any electricity price?

LKAB, SSAB, H2 Green Steel (H2GS) and Fertiberia are planning to produce sponge
iron, steel, ammonia, and fertilizers in bidding zone SE1 in northern Norrland, which will
require approximately 20 TWh of electricity by 2026, 40 TWh in 2030 and 90 TWh in 2050. 

The companies’ myopic investment calculations do not seem to have considered that their own investments, or the investments of other companies, are so extensive that they have a significant impact on the electricity market. If all investments are carried out according to plan, electricity prices will rise too much for the investments to be profitable.

Client: Scandinavian Institute for Public Policy

Profitable or costly?

LKAB and H2 Green Steel plan to produce ”fossil-free” sponge iron and steel in northern Norrland. Both companies’ products will be the most expensive on the markets. LKAB should not proceed with its planned investments and H2GS will most likely not be profitable in the short term.

Client: Scandinavian Institute for Public Policy

Research on public procurement

On behalf of the Swedish Competition Authority, economist David Sundén Ph.D. has conducted a survey of Swedish research on public procurement and public purchasing over the past 15 years. The purpose is, among other things, to identify areas that may be important for understanding and assisting the functioning of public procurement and to identify any obstacles that limit research.

Client: Swedish Competition Authority

Op-ed's and articles

Börsnotera LKAB!

The world’s eyes are focused on the major steel projects in Norrland, and particularly on LKAB’s plans to produce sponge iron using hydrogen from electricity. Despite the enormous scope of the project, critical scrutiny has been lacking. If LKAB were publicly traded, the plans would never have left the drawing board.

Published in: DI Debatt

Stålprojekt orsakar brant stigande elpris

If the plans for the production of fossil-free steel in Norrbotten go ahead, the Nordic electricity price will increase by an average of 77 percent by 2026.

Published in: SvD Debatt

Svenskt fossilfritt stål blir dyrast i världen

LKAB’s and H2 green steels investments in sponge iron and ”fossil free” steel in northern Sweden are risky. Both companies’ products will be the most expensive on the markets. LKAB should not proceed with its planned investments and H2GS will most likely not be profitable in the short term. 

Published in: Expressen Debatt

David Sundén


Contact David Sundén if you have any questions or want to know more


Phone: 072 323 36 99